Sometimes our thoughts are so chaotic, it’s near impossible to keep track of them. They come and go so quickly it makes us doubt our ability to be a functional “normal” person. It can make us doubt our selves, our own thoughts, our own minds. Like the picture above, different shaped and sized clouds floating away or hiding behind the inability to function today.

Struggling to control our thoughts easily leads to us being impuslive and feeling unable to do what others deem to be easy. Losing our attention often, being called lazy, and to keep our head in the game can feel like just words, but to us, it feels devastating and like we failed somehow.

Following through on directions and being stuck on one step can lead to intense frustration to the point it feels like it’d be better to just stop the step now and hopefully finish later. Or never beginning at all because all those steps seem like too much today.

There’s so many emotions and behaviors that a person who’s mind works differently, neurodivergent, can do to help themselves. Learning ways to break a task or project down, prioritize steps, and stop the clouds from hiding or moving too quickly. These are all skills that neurodivergent people need, we just need to learn them in a different way.

Coaching for neurodivergent, ADHD, missing some executive functioning skills, whatever you want to call it, can be helpful to learn these things. Especially when that coach has the lived experience of all of it too. Support is necessary when learning a new way of working with yourself.

Find Out More

Reach out and we can set up a free 10-15 minute phone consultation to see how we can best work together! Email me at or schedule on my Client Portal.

Once we have chatted and agreed to work together, I will send over paperwork for you to sign and we would schedule your first appointment! All appointments are video based and last 60-minutes.

Coaching is not therapy. If during the consultation it seems therapy would be more appropriate, I would refer you for therapy.


60-minute appointment – $165

Package of 5 appointments – $750

Payment is due at time of service. Payment can be made via credit card, check, or cash.